Dress for Success – Wait, What?

Over the past 20 years I have witnessed an ongoing decline in the basic premise of John Molloy’s 1975 Book, “Dress for Success.” And with that decline has come a commensurate decline in performance and overall business and personal success. Focusing on the business aspect alone, understanding that to earn respect from others the first, and most important thing one must do is respect and value themselves and the image they exhibit. From personal appearance to actions, to become a true leader, one must focus on all things together.

No matter how strong one’s overall leadership actions become, if those actions run contrary to the package from which those actions emanate, the results will be less than optimal. If you are a manager of others, and desiring to excel as a leader, the thing you must ask yourself everyday before you go to work, is the image you are delivering one that matches the results you are trying to achieve. Or is that image actually working against you? The impacts of the pandemic and resulting remote work trend has accelerated the decline in respect and related results. Sit in on a typical company “virtual” meeting and not only do you see people dressed unprofessionally, but you also witness disrespect for the person leading the discussion with cell phones, food, second monitor email, dogs and kids, and other distractions. How can one possibly expect top level goal attainment, for the business and each person involved, if that is the base environment?

So, when you engage in every new day, ask yourself, is the image you are delivering aligned with the goals you are trying to achieve for yourself, your family, your team, and your company?