What Investors Will Ask

What is the problem (need) you are solving?

Who has this problem (target buyer)?

How many have this problem?

How will you solve the problem?

How is the problem being solved now – who is your competition?

Why is your solution better – in the eyes of your target user?

Do you have independent user validation regarding your solution’s effectiveness?

Is your solution defendable / protectable (patent, trade secret, etc.)?

What percent of the target market is likely to adopt your solution and how often are they likely to repurchase?

Are you clear about the actual cost to produce your solution?

Can you price your solution so that it differentiates you from competitors?

Can you price your solution so that your target audience will purchase it and still provide you a reasonable profit?

How will you produce, deliver, and support your solution?

What market influences (economy, politics, technology, etc.) will help or harm your efforts to be successful?

How will potential customers learn about your solution?

What is the average purchase cycle – the length of time it will take to secure a purchase decision?

Where / how will users be able to purchase your solution?

Do you have a business, marketing, and financial plan that outlines how you will be successful and what success looks like over time?

Who will lead your company?

Who are the other key members of the company team?

What experience does the leader (you) have building a new company?

What experience does your team have doing what you have planned?

Who are your advisors / mentors?

How much money do you need and do you have a financial plan that supports that number?

How will you employ the money – what will you spend it on?

What goals will you achieve with that money?

ü  Will you need additional money in the future?

How much money will I make if I invest?

When will I make this money and what event will trigger such?